Saturday 5 October 2019


I have reorganized this Overview since all my posts in the past few years have been about Go which is now near the top.  My previous pet subject (Agile) is now towards the bottom.


Go Coding

The Essence of Go - reading about Go you don't realize how nice it is to use
Improving Go Error Handling - how to fix one part of Go that is not so nice
Active Object - a powerful concurrency pattern that Go makes easy
Type Safe Channels - avoiding bugs when a channel must accept multiple types
Go Puzzles - 33 coding puzzles to test your knowledge of Go
Puzzle Solutions - don't look at the answers till you've tried the puzzles
Go Error Handling Using Closures - response to Error Handling Draft Design
Example Types as Contracts - response to 2019 Generics Draft Design

C Coding

Best Practice in C for Modules - high-coupling and other things to avoid
Defensive Programming - how it works and how it can hide bugs
Shotgun Initialization - a defensive programming practice to avoid
Alignment and #pragma pack - make structs "alignment agnostic" to avoid surprises
Making Code Testable - coding for testability improves correctness, reliability, etc
Ten Fallacies of Good C Code [CodeProject] - 10 more things to avoid

C++ Coding

STL's Dark Secret - vectors are slower than they should be
Iterators Through the Looking Glass - subtleties of the STL reverse iterators
C++11 and Lambda Functions - lambda functions make STL so much better
Nested Functions using Lambdas - you can finally have nested functions in C++11

C# Coding

Why I Like C# - lots of nice things (and it's not really that much slower than C)
Overflow Checking using checked/unchecked [CP] - C# has some cool features
Nested Functions using Lambdas - includes an example of using C# lambdas


Long Identifiers make Code Unreadable - don't try to put too much info. into a name
Self Describing Code - why it's a bad idea and why you should comment your code


Zero - bugs are less likely if you don't treat zero as a special case
Asymmetric Bounds - in code and GUI design this is an important way to avoid bugs
Book Review: Clean Code - a great book on creating the best code
The Phillips Scale of Code Quality - how good is your code?
Version Control - Personal Experiences - hands on version control

Software Design

Design Principles

Handling Software Design Complexity - what software design all boils down to
DIRE - an obvious thing we often forget
Developer Quality Attributes - or why fixing bugs is not important
Verifiability - software is useless unless you can verify its correctness
Why Good Programs Go Bad - risk avoidance causes software to "rust"
Book Review: 97 Things Every Architect Should Know

Design Practices

Fundamentals of Software Design - 8 ways to create a good design
Agile Design - how emergent design almost always works better than BDUF
Inversion of Control - IOC is a technique for better decoupling using DIRE
Dependency Injection - an example of IOC


Gas Factory Anti-Pattern - a mistake even (or especially) good designers make
Reusability Futility - "Simplicity before Generality, Use before Reuse"
Shotgun Initialization - an example of the dangers of defensive programming
Layer Anti-Pattern - the problems of a common, obvious approach
Ignore Divide By Zero - commonly taught practices can be wrong
Defensive Programming - it can hide bugs



Agile's Fifth Element - favor simple design over re-usability and generality
JIT (Just In Time) - an example of DIRE that is core to much of Agile
DIRE (Don't Isolate Related Entities) - how you divide and conquer is the key
Agile Design - evolving software one small step at a time
Agile and Code Reuse - all about YAGNI (you ain't gonna need it)
Software Quality Assurance & Agile - how Agile evolved from, but is different to, SQA
Lean is not Agile - applying "eliminate waste" to software design leads to BDUF
Software Development Methodologies [CP] - Agile and other methodologies by analogy
Scrum is like Communism? - maybe it is, but that does not mean it is doomed to failure!


Agile Roles - when Agile is done properly all roles do change (some even disappear)
Scrum Team Size - teams should be small to avoid social loafing and other phenomena
Scrum Team Composition - "feature" teams are the key
Collaboration - traditional development discourages collaboration + why Scrum works
Production Line Mentality - the reason teams don't collaborate

Making Agile Work

Scrum Standup - it's more about visibility than communication
Developer Quality Attributes - what benefits developers eventually helps users
Agile Version Control - Agile requires the right version control practices & software (Git)
Scrum Problems - management "buy-in" & other things that help Scrum work properly
Why Scrum Fails - intransigence, non-collaboration, etc
Written vs Verbal - when, who, why, and how of Agile documentation
JIT Testing - testing as you go (continuous testing) is an example of JIT (Just In Time)
Vendor Mentality - another "mentality" you need to overcome
Customer Management - the customer is not always right

Unit Tests

Change - how Unit Tests help you to embrace change
What's so great about Unit Tests - Unit Tests are not about finding bugs
White Box Testing - the best Unit Tests use "good" white box testing
Personal Experiences with Unit Testing - it took me 20 years to truly appreciate them
Challenges - why getting started with Unit Tests seems, but is not, insurmountable
Unit Tests Best Practice - a few things to avoid
Arguments Against Unit Tests - common arguments and why most are invalid
Summary - Unit Tests concisely summarized